Monday, October 18, 2010

What is the definition of a GOOD relationship (written 4-26-06)

I’ve asked a few males and even my dear brother replies good sex……… “Bring food, leave clothes”……. Per one of my brothers. Someone who loves you to death, if you ask one of my sisters.
But you when you really look at relationships neither of the two are good enough to base a relationship on.
What I’ve learned is that physical attraction plays a BIG part in an affectionate relationship. In a relationship there are times when your physical attraction for your mate covers the previous transgression or wrong, but is it enough?
What about when you’ve become accustomed to the physical aspect of the relationship, what keeps you there then? Why would you stay if, although attractive, your mate gets on your nerves? How long can you stomach to continue to kiss them? How long do the niceties last once the affect of the physical relations have worn off. Do men realize that as they get older their ability to perform lessens and lessens? Where as women, the older she gets the better she gets. When do men and women understand that at some point more is needed than a physical relationship?
For some they understand this right away, hence their hesitance to jump in head first into a relationship, but still if you ask them what is the key to a good relationship the FIRST thing out their mouth are the physical aspects. No wonder young society is so lost. No wonder there are females who truly believe that their worth lives in the fact that they have a husband. Not even a good husband, but a husband. No wonder a man feels like he is on top of the world because his wife is attractive, not a good wife, just attractive. This is what leads so many young ones to marriage so soon and without any realistic understanding of what they’re getting themselves into.
We are encouraged to advise our children to seek Jehovah first in everything. Your education, your employment, your mate……. But what after that? My number one gripe again, is that my generation was not properly prepared for life in this system of things at the ages we are now. There are so many things we don’t have a real grasp on. For instance when you ask my generation what is the key to a good relationship…….. Again the physical is mentioned an it is pulling teeth to get to the more important things. From my generation down the world is in trouble. There is no realistic view point on anything.
The expectation is that one should already know these things…….. I ask how? If this system was declared over before I entered elementary school do you think anyone ever thought about college for me? Did anyone teach me how to take care of a husband? How to raise my children? How to take care of myself? We are so lost. And now we must pick up the pieces in an attempt to live.
How many from my generation are not in the truth as we speak? Sadly some parents felt that their children would never mature in this system of things and only instilled in their children that if you don’t serve Jehovah you will die. Sadly death isn’t enough to hold someone’s attention long enough to reach their heart. Not someone like me anyways.
How many from my generation truly have a true blue relationship with our God and father Jehovah. How many put him first in their lives and fearlessly proclaims his name. You may be able to think of quite a few, but now I ask you to remember how many children there were in the hall in the mid-eighties……. Now I ask again, how many? Your love for Jehovah cannot be based on fear or guilt, which sadly that was the bases for some.
This is not to say that there is no hope for those who are not here now. Just like the prodigal son they can return, but when they do will you openly welcome them? Will you make them feel guilt for the time lost? Will you judge them? Sad to say most will answer no and will do the opposite.
As imperfect humans it is difficult not to do this. But make it a matter of prayer. Look to encourage not discourage. Remember that your relationship with Jehovah is based on love and please give them the space to develop that relationship as well. Remember Jehovah loves a cheerful giver.
That covers those returning to the flock but what about those who are within? What about my original statement. What is the definition of a good relationship? “MY” answer is a relationship that mirrors the relationship between Jesus and his disciples. My idea of the supreme head of my household. You see how there is nothing physical within that statement.
Physical appearance, status, means nothing in that regard. Jesus and his disciples had an open and honest relationship. Jesus corrected his disciples when they were wrong, he didn’t belittle them. Although at times they wore on his patience he still exerted it. He never had to remind anyone who was in charge.
The disciples never tried to over rule him. There was never a power struggle. They enjoyed each other’s company and they helped each other when they were down. The bible constantly reminds us that the husband is the head of the house, and the Jesus is over the congregation……. But no one refers to that relationship when they think of their own.
My generation is lost on levels that only perfection can undo. Alas I have had my say. Alas I have spoken my peace. With that I am now satisfied that least you have read this and hopefully think more about what it is that you are looking for in life. The big nickel or peace, the kind that comes from within.

Agape –

The thoughts and expressions above are the sole thoughts and ideas of Liz Betty and in no way speak for the Watchtower and Tract Society.

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