Monday, April 16, 2012

Don't these look delicious!!!!!!! So in an attempt to look and see what I've missed over the past couple of weeks of being MIA I stumbled across One Perfect Bite's Lemon something or another but it caught my attention. If you didn't know, I've been asked to make my cousin's wedding cake PRESSURE! No, not really.... Right! RIGHT! Ha! Any who, we had one cake tasting and it came out OK but not like I felt it should so I will be attempting my cakes again....

She's toying with two concepts right now. Something out of the ordinary, and the normal stacked tiered cakes...
I didn't think she would like this, but she loved it... So we'll see.
I didn't like how the cakes their selves came out. They were very dense, but tasty none the less. I have to redeem myself.

Meanwhile as I posted pictures of my cakes on FB my friend asked me to make them a Lemon any thing. Now I LOVE lemon in cakes and pies. So I've had it on my mind for a minute now. I think the recipe below will be my tester. If I like them enough I may present them as an additional add on. (Smiles)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pretty Darn Cute III

 Pattern Print Dress
OK so, I wore the dress. BIG SMILES! The consistent compliment that I got was that I was "Colorful" I guess for some that would be weird but if my use of colors makes me stand out as refreshing and NEW! DAG NABIT I'll take it. LOL! I wore its with my shoes that I thrifted, it was like the shoes were made to go with this dress or something. I will take a picture the next time I wear it. But the dress was a SMASHING success!