Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Winter Projects

Drum Roll!!!! I have three winter projects to complete.... count them off:

1. Paint and Organize my kitchen

2. Make a Carrot Cake

3. Make a Lemon Meringue Pie

you know what.... let me add one more dessert to the list so lets make it four......

4. Make a Sweet Potato Pie (My baby's favorite and really only pie that they like)

I have been looking on line for my borders and wall decals.

Things I will need
a. Paint
b. Zebra Print borders
c. Wall decal (currently looking to see if I can find a way to get that wine glass in there to make it all complete
d. Book Ends for my cookbooks
e. Binder with clear sleeves for the recipe print outs (OR!!!!!! Idea just hit me! Maybe I can organize them and take them to staples and have them bound like a book. YES!)

Carrot Cake
I will have to SEARCH the Food Network for a reasonably achievable carrot cake recipe.

Lemon Meringue
I don't know if Food Network will have what I need to make this pie great. I will be up against my father's palette and its my understanding that my grandmother's pie was phenomenal. So I need the not your average Joe's recipe to really knock this pie out the box. The search begins.

Sweet Potato
Ha! Thanx to blogger.com I think I have that DYNAMITE recipe for this pie. Just need to give it a try. My baby has a specific idea of how this pie should taste. So if my baby says it's good, that I know I've NAILED IT! (smiles)

So with all of this in mind is it even worth it to try and be on my program this winter? Hmmmm right after asking the question I thought about all the possible weight gain if I just do nothing at all. YIKES! Gotta get active! I see food in my future, and a kitchen that makes me wanna cook in it. LOL!


  1. Great projects! I LOOOVVEE cookbooks. Martha stewart has one of just desserts I borrowed from the library that had a pretty good looking lemon Mer....

  2. Sounds de-lish! I volunteer my services as an official taster! I can be like the cupbearer to the King, as long as I dont die, your food will be appreciated.

  3. Thanx guys,

    Abbie, I will have to look up that recipe...

    Kinny, if something should happen to my current taster I will have to look you up. LOL!
