Friday, October 15, 2010
OK so Zimo and I went to the gym. YES! I needed that quick boost to get me going. We were on the treadmill and I was running my mouth the whole time. Sometimes I think Zimo is like will girl ever shut up. LOL! I was happy to be doing something good. I feel very good about what we did. I broke a little sweat which is good. NEXT TIME I want sweat POURING out of me. I wanna feel like it wont stop running. YES! LOL! Well I guess I could go home and do my Pilate's after work. And then go pick up my baby for their program. Their father said to me, "I will be handling all the parents aspects of this program" which was fine by me since he was the one who set it up. Plus I know he just wants to look good in front of the chick who granted my child the scholarship for the program. I don't care and she seems like his type, I just don't want my child suffering when their thing ends. But anyways that what he said and sure enough he's not sticking to it. He said he would pick them up and drop them off... but he's already trying to find a way outta that. I just got a very upset phone call from my child stating that their father will not be able to take them to their class nor pick them up. Some thing about they have to work..... So we asked my father to drop them off and I will be going to pick them up. Where are the men of their word? Do they even exist anymore? Any who all that to say I will have a little down time before my child gets home and I should do some Pilate's. We're supposed to hook up with a friend this evening... we'll see. But I'm excited about what we did today. I figure we hop in the car jet there. Do an intense twenty minutes of whatever. Hop in the shower, hop back in the car and be back. I'm thinking this could work....Only thing is ZImo's job is demanding and what happens when she cant get away? Maybe I should look them up online and see how expensive their membership is... their gym is NICE! and it wasn't crowded, but that couldve also been the time of day that we went. Half of the reason I don't like going to the gym is because of the ooglers and oglers. Too many people and the waiting for machines, you're waiting and you're in a gym of course you're going to people watch. I HATE being watched and so I wouldn't want to be the watcher. Oh I don't know. Its not like I can afford a gym membership on my own right now anyways. Oh well I guess I'll cross that bridge when it comes. BUT I HAD A BLAST THANX ZIMO! :o)
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