OK so I know I'm going zebra print crazy! But every time I see it I want it. So I was supposed to be going to BevMo when Anna's Linen the store next door caught my attention. They were having a sale and what did I see? You guessed it zebra print. I was extremely EXCITED to find my zebra print bed in a bag on SALE might I just add. DUDE! So excited I was... but the excitement was short lived. When my life feels out of control my surrounding reflect that. You may call that an excuse, but its taken me years to understand this about myself. For the longest I couldn't understand why I would have good periods and bad period. And honestly if it was left to me I would be very meticulous about everything. I like that part of me, but it gets repressed and I don't know why. Anywho there's NO WAY I was gonna put my new set up without cleaning my room first. But my spirit wouldn't allow me. I guess you have to walk in the shoes of the truly dysfunctional to understand what I mean. So my set sat in its original bag waiting for me to get it together. Meanwhile I bought a couple of bathroom things to go along. This past weekend was the wedding and I told you how emotional upside I've been since then. Sunday although I should've been tired I came home determined to change my room around. Needless to say it took me all day and really I'm not finished because I didn't touch my closet which is screaming for help. But I like what I've done so far. I was looking for Royal or Sapphire Blue throw pillows for my room but I couldn't find any. That was frustrating. I even thought about making them myself. But I lack the sewing machine and the know how to make that happen. So I settled on these:

I still may actually go to the fabric store and make my own pillows. One day when I feel adventurous and creative. I hear pillows arent hard to make, I just wish I was crafty.
So in my bathroom I gotta get different towels I want the color to POP! Can you tell there's a purple towel in there?
But it has made me feel good to come home to such a nice bed. Its been quite a few years since I've bought any pretty stuff for my bed. And my bed was LONG overdue for a spruce up. I just need a few more things to complete my room. I would LOVE curtains as a decorative touch. However I think that would be over kill on the zebra. I was thinking on chocolate or silver. I don't know. My walls are already blue as you can see. So no point in putting up blue ones. Besides when I change my bedding I want it to still look nice. But I have no idea. I was thinking of adding a rug as well.
I need hooks for my closet as lately I keep buying purses and I have nowhere to put them. I bought this thing for the back of my door, but they always fall off. I was thinking of maybe getting some hooks from Ikea. A few for my purses and a few for my jackets, robes, and PJ's of the moment. Oh well I'm smiling big thinking of my room. CHEESE!
I think you did a very good job. It looks nice.