Isn't she just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Today all over FB I see postings of Jill Scott's natural hairstyle on the cover of Essence. I wonder why it seems to be shocking that she's natural, she's been natural for years. But I guess after reading about Ebony's stance on Natural hair, its a big deal that Essence embraces Jill in her natural state:
Whether you relax your hair or wear it naturally, take care of your hair and make sure that its always a true reflection of who you are, own it!
I personally have been wearing my hair natural for some years now. Well before it became the thing to do. And it was not a statement on my part, other than I couldn't afford to get the type of hair care I knew I'd need in order to take my hair to the lengths I wanted. So in defeat I started braiding my hair. I will say thanks to the movement there is more education and variation available. I wore my hair pulled back in a pony tail cause I didn't know what to do with it.
My love affair with heat that I had two years ago, has robbed me of the length I worked very hard to attain (no one to blame but myself).... and now I'm back at square one. People keep asking me if I cut my hair.... and I did, but its because of the heat damage that has truly damaged my hair. Oh well it will grow, and I'm doing everything in my power to aide it a long. Long hair is my goal because I love long hair. I know its not the same for others and hey its no biggie.
I am one of those person who view hair as a HIGHLY valued asset. I love to watch people do their hair, get it done, and talk about it. I love how your hair can change a nice outfit to simply fantastic! For me personally I love when my hair is long. I honestly believe that long hair is the best compliment to my face.
Now don't get me wrong Jill looks AMAZING above! I lack the confidence to just own my space like she does. Everything about her raidates confidence, feminity, and power. My mom cant see it, but Jill reminds me so much of my mother. It takes complete and total power to be the kindest person on earth. And that's who my mother is. I just wish she could own her space like Jill does. But hey we're all works in progress, and I'm working on her. BIG SMILE!!!
As usual thank you for reading.
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