Wednesday, September 12, 2012

91 Hits;postID=3353681189577739846

So I was looking at my blog stats. Do I really have 91 hits on this one blog entry????? Nice! Re-reading what I wrote made me laugh. That was a good day. I was definitely feeling myself. Too bad I never did find that dress. I think I'd be unstoppable in it. (LOUD LAUGH!)

BUT!!!!! I found this other site, where they put looks together and then the links where you can buy some of the things. Now I know a few people who naturally have their own style, and they're just so stylish. Unfortunately I did not inherit this gene. I do ok, but a lot of the time I will default to comfortable instead of comfortable but stylish. So for someone like me I need these tutorials if you will. This site has links to the places you can find these items, but UM..... YEA! On a budget a lot of the pieces would break me. But I can use their looks as a pattern as to what to buy, and what to look for. YES! This pleases me. Immediately I say I will need more purses GASP! We wont talk about the new found fetish I have for purses.

I walked into my closet the other day and said its time to purge again. I cant believe it, for someone who says she has nothing to wear, there surely are a ton of clothes in my closet. I don't know what I got I guess. I need to go back through.everything. I know that some items are from when I was losing weight. I don't exactly want to get rid of those as they will be worn again. But all this other stuff, its got to go. I need room! Ha! Ha! Ha!

As always thank you for reading.

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