So tomorrow is the dinner at a very casual and laid back all you can eat Chinese food Buffet. I have over forty folks who have said yes they will come. And the number is so low because I didn't invite everyone. I invited the ones I have email addresses for. If we just really put the invitation out there, that whole place would be hoping with nothing but family. JOY! One day we may have to do that. (smiles)
But you know what I was thinking. Maybe instead of making a cake I'll go over to the local Cheesecake Factory Restaurant and buy one for everyone to enjoy! ( ) Sounds like a plan to me. And then the thought occurred to me. Um, shouldn't we decorate the house a little bit. Make it a little festive? Wouldn't that make everyone happy as they look at the effort put into the occasion. Then I started thinking about how the pictures would look nicer if we had a few decorations around. So that thought took me over to Oriental Trading ( ) and wouldn't you know, I found a wonderful idea for setting the table. BUT! I had this brain child too late in the game. If I placed the order today my stuff wouldn't arrive until the day of and that's after paying half the total to ship it over night. How about NO! I guess I'm going to the dollar store to see if I can recreate my brain child, SIGH! I don't know what I was thinking. But I'm getting excited about both events. I love the idea of family coming together to celebrate the love my parents have shown each other and all of us.
Also the dinner will be..... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!
Lady Bug's Debut!
Since she's only a month old, she hasn't had the opportunity to meet very many family members. One Aunt in particular is very excited to meet my brother's offspring. I want a picture of that moment. Hopefully everyone is on their best behavior and the evening yields a smashing success.
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