OK so, yesterday just before washing I pulled out the coconut oil to prepoo the hair. Then I looked over to the left and there was my four month old niece. Big smile as I approached her with coconut oil saturated hairs. I rubbed it all through her head of beautiful black curly locks. Her hair said PLEASE and THANK YOU! I don't think she knew how to feel about me rubbing the oil through her head. She held onto my nephew who holding her at the moment and looked at him for an explanation. It was too cute. Then I picked up the REALLY soft brush I picked up for her at the beauty supply store and started brushing. Like her mother said after she took my advice and put olive oil on Lady Bug's (that's what I call her) hair just after a bath, her hair tends to straighten when oil is applied. That's not a bad thing but an interesting note. So I brushed her hair, but left her in her little Afro. I need to get some little barrettes for her hair. Her mom said I could do her hair which makes me happy. Now its time to get it growing. Lady Bug was born with a head FULL of hair. And at four months its only gotten fuller. Her mother's hair is VERY thick and my hair ain't so thin either. I anticipate a head full of beautiful hair on this baby girl.
So that was last night, and I was looking at my container thinking I should restock very soon on more coconut oil and then I check my dashboard and one of the blogs I follow had a list of wonderful uses for coconut oil. What's funny is that the toothpaste recipe calls for items that I have separately around the house.... I may actually try it out. LOL!
My sister-in-law has been asking me about a homemade shampoo. I think I will look up some recipes and figure out one to test on my own hair. If I like it.... you'll hear about it.
As it stands I use my own concoction of oils as a daily lotion and moisturizer for my hair and it has done wonders for me.What's in it? I'm glad you asked....
Raw Shea Butter ( I prefer to use the white kind, gold will do fine, but my skin and hair like the white )
Coconut Oil
Emu Oil
Peppermint oil
Tea Tree Oil
Now since the peppermint and tea tree are essential oils I only use like a fourth of a teaspoon. But I measure nothing and I really just eyeball it all. Since the Shea Butter is the hardest to whip I start with it first, I mix it until its smooth, then I add the coconut oil. Once that mixture is smooth, I add about a tablespoon of Emu oil. I don't care for the smell all that much, but I read that the fat in this oil is really good for combating stretch marks etc, so it GOES IN! Then I lastly add the essential oils. I mix it up really smooth, but there's always like little chunks of coconut and Shea butter still in the mixture which I don't mind at all. Lately when I pour the mixture into my container I've had enough to fill two. Which I like cause two containers last me about two months. I've been doing this since about hmmmm I'd say since August or September cant remember the exact date, and my skin and hair has said THANK YOU!
If you don't know about Coconut Oil you need to read about it. Its really good for those who have eczema and other dry skin conditions. You can eat it, use it in your hair... Its becoming a staple in my house.
My thing is that I'm tired of becoming dependant on products and then they're discontinued. I'm tired of spending $6 or more dollars on a lotion and its not helping like it should and the price keeps going up. If I'm gonna pay more for it, can it at least do what I need it to do? By going the natural route I'm hoping to eliminate this frustration in my life.
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