When I went to Disneyland a couple of weeks ago, I HAD to see Captain EO again I HAD 2!!!!! I know the younger generation (and by younger I mean the ones born now) may not understand the obsession with this man. But he has ALWAYS been an IMPORTANT part of my life. Now my Soul Sistah #1 would cry just watching him on television. I was never that gone, but he always found a way to pull me back in. Like when I was a teenager I was trying my best to out grow him and then....... The sands of an hour glass went across my TV screen and there was Eddie Murphy and Iman looking like WORLD CLASS ROYALTY! My mission was clear, I had to master this dance routine! My sister and I busted out our "King Kong" cups of ice water, cranked up the sound on my father's SLAMMING stereo system, and proceeded to practice practice practice until we had it down. Oh! All the beautiful sweat we were shedding in our living room in front of my father's big screen TV trying our best to mimic Michael's moves.
Move in a little closer I wanna tell you something. Let me whisper so no one else hears. My favorite MJ song is.... Let's see if you can guess:
I tell you when this video came out it was the first time since I was a little girl that I drooled over Michael. I LOVE this song, and the VIDEO!!!!! AWESOME! I know I probably shouldn't be saying this out loud, take the lyrics to heart but... YEA! I LOVE ME SOME MICHAEL JACKSON! I cant believe he's gone. Sitting in that theater watching the last midnight showing of that 18 minute show brought back a lot of memories and emotions. Like looking at his gelled baby hair, remembering when everyone was doing that. One of my cousins even dyed her baby hair purple in honor of her love for prince and then gelled it all up. Pretty soon you may see that style come back too. MJ seemed so innocent up there on the screen. I loved the show, all the dancing and singing. MICHAEL! I guess today is a missing MJ day... next I'll be hit by a:
Check it! He's wearing BLUE!!! HEART BEATING!!!! LOL!!!!
Now if you know nothing about MJ then I'm sure this entry reads like a riddle of sorts. But for my fellow MJ lovers, you know EXACTLY what I'm saying to you.
Thank you for reading, come back now you hear me.
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