So yesterday was my first trip to see a reflexologist. A few of my cousins have been talking up this service so my curiosity was peaked. Not really knowing what to expect I texted my cousin with a little concern as I soaked my feet in a tub of water with a tea bag in the water. I couldn't smell anything specific so I wondered if I was getting the actual service. I don't know what to call her so I'll call her the technician, when the technician began my massage I didn't know what to expect,, you might say I was a little tense. Yes, due to the stress of the week, but also from not knowing what to expect. My cousin Nellie had given me a chart like the one above pointing out the nerve endings in our feet. I tried very cautiously to pay attention to any pain I may have felt in any of those areas. But yea, outside of tickling a little from time to time I didn't really feel any pain. The only tenderness was in my legs, she massaged up to my knees. And I haven't found a chart for that part of the body. Afterwards I felt like jello, just wiggly but relaxed. Thanks reflexology technician.
If NOTHING ELSE I needed to RELAX! There were point where I almost fell asleep. AW! SIGH! RELAXATION is a must have in LIFE! Next I wanna try a day spa. I've only ever been to a spa once in life. I would love to try that kind of massage.
The only thing I don't like is when they "pop" your joints. Or make cracking sounds. As I was soaking my feet I watched a guy at the end of his massage and the technician popped his fingers, arms, and back. I was CRINGING at the sight of it. I don't like that, and it tenses me up when doctors do it to me. Why don't I like it? What if they do it wrong? I just don't like it. That is my condition. Massage me, massage me GOOD! But don't Pop or Crack ANYTHING! We're gonna have problems if you do. Silly I know, but I cant help the way I feel. See how my dramatic side comes out. LOL!
Over all I give my experience a 6, and my cousin said the more often you have it done the better you will feel. So I'll give it two more tries. If I dont notice a difference....I guess I'll move on to the next thing...