Friday, December 3, 2010


OK, so I guess in life there's good days and bad days with everything. As for today!!!!!!! I'm not feeling being single... Hopefully tomorrow I'll be cool again, but for today.... NOT FEELING IT! I know you always long for what you don't have, and I'm sure being married there would be days, weeks, months, even years when I would beg for my freedom again. But today not so much. Today I'm missing what I thought I had with someone, it wasn't perfect, but there were parts of it that were perfect for me. Maybe I shouldn't have watched that movie yesterday. I watched the movie that he introduced me to, and we would quote from it from time to time in our silliness. I miss that guy, not the one I know him to be today. The current guy gets the GAS face, but that old guy.... I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM! And today I mourn him. -_- You know what I miss most about him? The days where we would be doing NOTHING and just enjoying being together. Wrapped up in each other playing our individual personal handheld games. I had Solitaire and Tetris, we would switch off trying to beat each other's scores. Or watch some dumb movie like the one I watched yesterday. The dumb conversations we would have about anything. Even the so-called arguments, were great (and that's major cause I don't like to argue). That guy is my prototype. I don't know what happened to him, when did he die and this other guy come about? I know it was gradual but it happened and now forever I will remember what used to be. SAD FACE! Oh well, maybe I'll actually get a chance to love someone deeper than that, can you even imagine? At this moment I cant. But I would surely love to try. Sad day today!

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