I’ll check on from iPad. Hopefully that makes a difference. Otherwise I’m here but...
A day n da life of Lizzy

Monday, March 19, 2018
I’m still here!!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Another Way
I found another way to access this blog, so now I can get back to venting.
Do you Snapchat? The picture on the right was captured with the pretty girl filter on the chat. The picture on the left was taken some time during my early teen, or judging by the hair my preteen years. You see how I've faded from my beautiful milk chocolate to this fake chocolate? Give it back? My beautiful chocolaty hue of gorgeousness!
Wanna be
Today is a Jill Scott kind of day! Since the mobile app doesn't work on my phone I've had to find another way to access this site. Happy Tuesday everyone, talk to you soon.
Today is a Jill Scott kind of day! Since the mobile app doesn't work on my phone I've had to find another way to access this site. Happy Tuesday everyone, talk to you soon.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Felicia Leatherwood is amazing!!!
This woman is THE BOMB!
Do you know who Felicia Leatherwood is? If you're all about natural hair then you should know who she is. For those of you who don't... She is the amazing natural stylist of the stars. In 2016 I traveled to LA twice just for the privilege to meet her and learn from her. When she came to Oakland in October, I was front and center. She has a beautiful way of uplifting you as she empowers you to live out your natural hair fantasies. I could sit and listen to her talk about hair for days.
So check it, I'm at the Oakland event and I'm sitting on the aisle listening to her speak. It was a health and wellness fair for women in this industry. I came as the totally supportive fan, while everyone else there was in the business Networking and making connections. I'm listening to Felicia speak as she has the entire audience engaged as she speaks. Even though I'm sitting on the aisle I'm not exactly certain that she would remember me since I know she meets so many people regularly. So check it, she's speaking, everyone is engaged and she stops and says, "I remember you. How are you doing?" Then she rubs my shoulder and continues to speak. Can you say I wanted to jump up and say YES! Felicia Leatherwood remembers me! Cause I'm a true fan of her work and I support her. LOL! I've followed her on Instagram for years. Then when she went on periscope I was a regular subscriber to her channel and Mahogany Knots. On Instagram she has THOUSANDS of followers, the audience was a lot smaller and I made it my business to tune in whenever she went live. Like I said I could listen to her speak all day everyday. Anywho that's how I made myself seem to her. If you don't already follow her brand check her out on Instagram @lovingyourhair . Google Loving Your Hair With Natural Care to find her Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.
I bought 5 Felicia Leatherwood Detanglers in case I lost one. I gave my teenager her own so that she would leave mine alone. It didn't work but one can dream can't they? I love my brush and I tell everyone that they need one. Go to Brushlove.com to order one today. When I ordered the first I figured I'd give it a try since I had a denman brush already. Immediately I noticed that my detangling sessions resulted in significantly less hair loss. That's when I fell in love. I gave cousin her own pink one cause I didn't want to give away one of my five. So what! Call me stingy, but when I found something good I'm not letting it go.
Also through Felicia's last event in LA that I went to, I discovered Auntie Jackie's product line. I personally love her flaxseed elongating gel, her Quench leave-in conditioner, and her deep conditioner. As of now I have to order these products on line cause I can't find it locally. These three products have become staples for me.
I can't wait for the next season of Insecure to watch her work enhance Issa's work. She has quite the list of clientele. Don't believe me, checkout her pics on Instagram for a visual list of the folks she's worked with. Anyways, I'm still trying to figure out how I can make it to her event later on this month. If I can make it, expect more pictures.
As always, thank you for reading. Please support my friend and follow her wherever you can, you won't regret it.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Howdy all, I know I've fallen off the face of the earth. I've been preoccupied with life's challenges for sure.
The reminder popped up on my screen this morning that today's my bloggerversary. So I felt it was only right to acknowledge this and post a few updates for you.
I'm still on my natural hair journey. The picture above is of my recent product finds. No matter what this product makes my hair fluffy. It's super soft. Winter's coming so it's time to focus on hydration and low manipulation.
Recently I had the honor and privilege of meeting my niece Shyia. She lives 4 hours away so it was a treat to meet her this past weekend.
I went from no nieces to six with another one on the way. Selena will make her debut in October.
Thus far my sister Porsha and I are the only ones who have only one child. Who knows, my little sister could decide to give us another beauty. I'm done!
This amazing little girl graduated from high school this summer. She's in school and working two jobs. I'm so proud of her.
I can't believe how much she's grown and how quickly she's done it either. Last year was very difficult for the both of us. Because she's such an amazing person we found our way through. When it comes to parents and children you get what you get. I've tried my best to be a good mother, and at times that has presented its challenges. The fact that she knows that I act out of love is all I need to know.
My little drama queen told me:
"Do you promise mom? Cause if you promise then I know for fact it's going to happen."
Stinking brat had me in tears. I guess you have to have lived a life of broken promises to understand the gravity of that statement.
Let's see, do I have any other noteworthy achievements?
OH YES! My grey hairs are coming in full force thanks to the lovely stresses of my life. I wish I could get them without the stress but I'm happy all the same.
Thank you, you know who you are. You helped me get here. 🤗🤗
I'm still a dork! Laughing every chance I get. I'll try to get over here more often. Make sure you subscribe so I know you're waiting for more.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Can you believe it? It's been five years of blogging for me. So much has happened and my attention has split once again.
The picture above is of my baby sister on her wedding day. I absolutely love that picture, I keep posting it all over the place. Two down and five more to go. I doubt we'll all ever be married and especially at the same time. However, I am happy to note that two of us at least are in love.
Let's see, my baby is now a senior in high school can you dig it?
Pretty soon she's going to graduate and then realize that her journey actually begins when she has choices and she has to choose.
I'm going to honest, I wasn't expecting much from my Niners. We lost many key players. THEN!!! Monday nite football happened. Alright #Hyde28 you were my MVP! I'm now armed with hope and that good ole Niner inspiration!
Did I tell you my family met Dwight Clark? Yeah baby!!!! Yeah! A friend's child's school was having a fundraiser and he agreed to come along with his Super Bowl rings. Can you see them in the hand opposite of the arm holding BreBerry? Completely awesome! He was completely nice and he invited my Niner geared up family to touch the rings. We were all too afraid to touch them, but my friend did. Even though she comes from a Raider family (sigh, she needed a flaw otherwise she'd be perfect) I loved her reception and invitation of our Niner LOVE!
The many faces of me. Yep, I'm still a complete clown. I love that aspect of me.
Two of my favorites! My cousin/sister and my baby sister.
My Rollie Pollie and my Ladybug! My bug collection ladies and gentlemen.
My 1st baby! He's all of age and junk. To me he'll always be the baby that wanted to be with his auntie.
I look like my momma! Finally there's proof! (Smiles)The sun was working against me, but there's me and Dri. Up to our normal shenanigans, I drink, she drink, we drink. Calls her husband to pick us up! LOL!
I love this picture. Three of my siblings on our sister's special day.
I told them to smile, then they melted my heart. My Noonie Baby and my cookie.
My sister... And she's holding our newest addition, that's my AnaMi.
What do you think? My niece, does she look like me? Here's and interesting story. I had three of my five nieces with me. We were at Pieology in Berkeley. The teenagers were sitting at the table next to ours cause there wasn't much room. People kept coming over and saying hello because my girls are just too cute. An older gentleman comes to our table and he asks the girls if the like their pizzas. They all say yes. He looks at all of their faces then he looks at me. Yep, they look like me. Then he asks how old they are. 3, 2, and 1. He says they're all stair steps. So I said yes, then I explained that the oldest and the youngest belong to my brother and his wife while my middle baby belongs to my sister and her husband. It took him awhile to understand that "I'M NOT THE MOMMA!" LOL! I know he probably thought I was lying, oh well. My family genes are strong, what can I say?
I love this one! And...
This one! She is not her hair, but boy do I miss it.
Two peas out of the same pod.
These pictures are from not only from the past year, but I felt like sharing. In addition to growing my eyebrows back (cracks up!) I'm trying to get some chill back. I've been in my feelings for awhile now. It comes and goes you know. Just like everyone else I've been going through a lot. We gotta keep on pushing, right?
"Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it." Anne of Green Gables
However, "it's always today. Yesterday is in the past and tomorrow never comes." Don't know who said that. It might've been me, be its so true.
So until I talk to you again, as always thank you for reading.
Friday, June 12, 2015
History Repeats
So once upon a time in 1994 two friends who were just like sisters decided to go to the prom together. We had a good night, created some memories. We created even more memorable memories the following day at Great America with my sister and her friend. So fast forward twenty one years and our daughters decided on their own that they wanted to go to their junior prom together. Like mother like daughter. My baby even has the same colored dress as I wore.
I was so happy to be able to do this for my baby.
Proud Mom Moment!!! What did you say? You want more pictures? Sure! Here you go:
This is our lovely Bubblez. She is just the sweetest little lady (even though she's taller than me). She's full of hugs and kisses. She's our resident basketball star.
I told her I had to capture the moment she saw her face for the first time after her makeup was applied. I love that smile, to say she liked her look would be an understatement.
My babygirl sat in this chair ready to TRANSFORM! I kept saying, "transformation! Transformation!" As I smiled and watched our beautiful and wonderful friend create a new look for my baby.
I love that smile! The moment she saw her new face. My girls were beautiful ladies and they conducted theirselves that way.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Our freezing cold journey
Ok so, it was a freezing cold Saturday morning. We were on a mission for our friend Carey. If you're in the Bay Area and you haven't witnessed a sun rise or sunset on the Golden Gate Bridge yet, do yourself a favor and just go. It was cold but it was beautiful and lots of fun. So worth it!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Might as well
While I sit here waiting for something to happen, I might as well keep on doing what I have been doing. I'll continue reaching out to those who are receptive to me. I nurture people by nature, and I'm fine with that. I have strong opinions at times and I'm fine with that too. There are so many wonderful things and not so wonderful things that make me who I am. I guess I'm in my feelings today. I've been sucked into a world of wonderful was that has been my relief from my loneliness and frustrations of my life. I love this world, and the thought of letting it go depresses me. I... whatever... Sigh! Yay! 2015 is here, and it's flying by. Keep smiling!
Monday, December 15, 2014
The heart wants what it wants
I remember being so caught up in what my heart wanted that I couldn't see straight. It's difficult to see past your heart when it leads the wrong way. It took a lot to finally decide to remove my heart. Even more to put my foot down and demand to be left alone.
When I'm finally in a place where I can say I'm free here you come. I sit here waiting for the other shoe to drop. Holding out for what I need may lead to a lifetime of loneliness. Settling for what's in front of me may not turn out to be a settlement at all. However it's too early to know. I thought of things I wanted to tell you, but now...... I'm holding, waiting to see what you say next.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Blast from the past
Although physically unseen you're here. My blast from the past took me WAY back to yesteryear. Back to a day when we were BFF's and I naively thought that would always be the case.
As I eagerly await the moment that my caller ID announces that it's you're on the other end my brain swishes as I remember the good and not so good times we shared.
During a very turbulent time in my life you were my ray of sunshine. I remember our time together like it was yesterday. I'll never forget how we met, how our friendship started, the good times, the bad times, and how we ended.
Even if you never call, your excited response to the current day me will forever warm my heart. I didn't feel judged or like I should be ashamed of what's become of me. Your acceptance of me provokes my acceptance of you. Friends we were, and friends is what I hope we will be. I miss you old friend!
I come from a rather large family. I love all my siblings and parents dearly. Sometimes when you're a part of such of a large group it can be hard to find your voice. You would think that the ones who were raised in the same home with you would think like you do on most matters, and it can be a shock to the system when you don't see eye to eye. Even worse when you realize that there are grudges held against you for things you could not control.
I am the oldest of this group of children. When my mother was pregnant with my sister, she told me "we" we're having a baby. I tell you, I took those words to heart. Although my sister and I are not even two years apart, I did my best to mother her. One of our reoccurring arguments was that I was not her mother, but I assumed the role of mother to all of my siblings. To this day, it's very hard not to assume this role.
The sad and frustrating part can be when my siblings expect the unachievable from me. Sometimes some expect me to continue to mother them but only when it's convenient for them.
The last almost ten years has been a series of me rejecting the mother role. As a single parent I could not maintain the role of the mother for my siblings. Most understand this and appreciate this. But there are those who tend to throw fits when I don't yield to them. I am "not the momma!" Taking time for me should be something that is applauded by everyone, sadly it is not. Protecting my child and putting them first should be respected, but it's not.
In the end my youngest sibling gave me feedback on something another sibling told them about me and I was shocked. It didn't even sound like me, and it hurt to know that I'm seen that way. But what can I do to change the way someone chooses to see me? All I can say is wow and keep it moving especially since this person would rather run and tell others I'm this way or that way, but doesn't say anything to me. Even though we grew up in the same house that person doesn't know me at all. So this is my vent to the Internet to get certain things off my chest. Then I'm done with it.
This particular sibling has a wonderful capacity for love, and I've always valued that about them. However their constant demand to be included in everything has cost them a lot. The notion that I would carry them when I was barely standing is what has forever ruined our relationship. What goes around comes around and it came back to you twice and each time you missed the point or lesson. All I can do is wait, hopefully this sibling will figure it before I'm gone. Either way blood is supposed to be thicker than water, but you poured water all over it made it thin and then pointed your finger at me when the blood was gone.
NFL Heart Attack
I would like to start off by saying that I love my Niners, however this season has proven to be WHOA! I'm holding my breath hoping we make it to the playoffs.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Football Season has begun!
Football season has begun, and the Niners have begun quite well. I hope we only get better and continue to improve. Here's to a great season, May your team do well as we'll.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
I'm afraid of being B E A U T I F U L!
How many times do I dance around what I really feel? What if when I let my true beauty out and then I'm made to feel its not enough? Then I find my life's happiness doesn't reside in my appearance here comes another disgusting disguised as a human being to rob me even more of my awesome light! SCREAM!
Monday, June 2, 2014
First attempt
Apple Caramel Spice cake.... Round one.
Not bad for the first attempt. On to round two.....
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Challenge Accepted
Ok so, the other day my cousin tagged me in a picture of a salted caramel apple spiced cupcake. I mentioned it to my sister and friend Carey that I was trying figure out the recipe. Now Carey has gone all viral with her request putting me on blast. Lol! In the spirit of fun, I think I have my game plan together for my cake. Now it's a matter of making the cake. I guess this payback for all the chapters I demand of her. Muah! Results will be posted soon.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Liz Betty's Concoctions
Ok so, I've been inspired by some of my friends to offer my concoctions for hair to my network of friends and family.
I've decided to offer my oil medley and my Shea butter concoction. I'm hoping to have fun and dive deeper into my natural world.
Unfortunately, I can't offer everything to everyone so for now it'll just be my small inner circle. Yay!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Ok so, I had cavities in the first place. Let me say that, but they were not causing me any pain or discomfort. After trying the Oil Pull Method for almost a week, I have been in agony with theses teeth. I dont know, could it be that the toxics pulled down in the oil found my weak spots and wrecked havoc on them? AG-GONY! Aint nobody got time for the DENTIST or the money for that matter. So I'm suffering until I can get this right. Word to the wise, if you have cavities this is not the method for you. Yes, I am blaming the OPM, its a lot easier to blame someone else. LOL!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Oil Pulling Method
I'm hoping that it works and I don't have to worry about medications that are tearing up my body trying to fix something else. I have this skin situation going on and the medicine the dermatologist prescribes just holds it at bay, it doesn't fix it. My skin darkens and I feel so dried out while I'm on it. And then as soon as I stop taking the medicine the situation is back. I have been sitting embarrassed about my skin rather than continue that medication. I'm hoping that this natural detox remedy works. I don't want to spend my life on medications designed to make me sicker and sicker.
AND since I am just getting over the worst version of a sinus infection that I've had yet, I think its time to try something else. This last one was my third or fourth one this year. I don't know how often is too often but I'm thinking an infection a quarter is too many. The doctor said I was fine, but I don't believe that.
The Oil Pull Method is supposed to remove bacteria from your oral cavity which is obviously help with tooth decay (which I need a lot of help with as well #badteeth), sinuses, acne, and many more. Those are the ones that stood out to me most.
I'll loop back around and let you know how it goes for me. I hope you're doing well, and I will talk to you soon.
Monday, October 28, 2013
FroYo Traumas
OK so, let me tell you. There are somethings that I rely on to be consistent in my life. My love of frozen dessert and my overly dramatic love for frozen dessert! So let me tell you what happened to me. I was with my sisters yesterday and we decided as a group to go to Red Mango, a frozen yogurt spot in the Emeryville Bay Street shopping center.
What I love about this place is that I can always count on them to have my White Peach flavored FroYo and fresh kiwi. I can taste the deliciousness as I sit here thinking about it.
We walk in I grab my cup and I prepare to do damage. This place charges by the weight but ask me if I care! I load up my cup and I enjoy my yogurt without any remorse for how expensive it turns out to be. Well, I walk over and WHERE IS THE WHITE PEACH? You know how most places change their flavors every week or so? Well this Red Mango has consistently kept the White Peach as the main star in their flavor offerings and I have personally thanked the staff for keeping it there. But this time it was no where to be found. I honestly thought I was being "punked" I yelled out, "WHERE IS THE WHITE PEACH?" The poor teenage employees all froze as they thought my rage was directed towards them. They all started explaining at once that the manager changed the flavor to add others. So I dramatically told the kids to tell that manager of theirs to PUT IT BACK! When they realized I was light weight joking they laughed a little. I settled on Pineapple and Mango, but it was not what I came for. As I paid for my yogurt I again dramatically shared how upset I was about my flavor. Now I know I was being funny, and I know my drama was humorous, but seriously why were they laughing so hard that they were crying? Yes I was joking, but I meant every bit of what I was saying. I wondered if this is what Darryl a character in my author friend's story might feel like. Yes, I'm funny. But I'm only being funny so I don't choke someone out because I was disappointed in the flavor selection. Oh well.
To the manager of the Emeryville Red Mango..... BRING BACK THE WHITE PEACH YOGURT AND DON'T EVER TAKE IT AWAY AGAIN! Or else you will lose one of your faithful customers to a much cheaper FroYo spot! This is not a threat, it is a fact! :) As usual thank you for reading.
What I love about this place is that I can always count on them to have my White Peach flavored FroYo and fresh kiwi. I can taste the deliciousness as I sit here thinking about it.
We walk in I grab my cup and I prepare to do damage. This place charges by the weight but ask me if I care! I load up my cup and I enjoy my yogurt without any remorse for how expensive it turns out to be. Well, I walk over and WHERE IS THE WHITE PEACH? You know how most places change their flavors every week or so? Well this Red Mango has consistently kept the White Peach as the main star in their flavor offerings and I have personally thanked the staff for keeping it there. But this time it was no where to be found. I honestly thought I was being "punked" I yelled out, "WHERE IS THE WHITE PEACH?" The poor teenage employees all froze as they thought my rage was directed towards them. They all started explaining at once that the manager changed the flavor to add others. So I dramatically told the kids to tell that manager of theirs to PUT IT BACK! When they realized I was light weight joking they laughed a little. I settled on Pineapple and Mango, but it was not what I came for. As I paid for my yogurt I again dramatically shared how upset I was about my flavor. Now I know I was being funny, and I know my drama was humorous, but seriously why were they laughing so hard that they were crying? Yes I was joking, but I meant every bit of what I was saying. I wondered if this is what Darryl a character in my author friend's story might feel like. Yes, I'm funny. But I'm only being funny so I don't choke someone out because I was disappointed in the flavor selection. Oh well.
To the manager of the Emeryville Red Mango..... BRING BACK THE WHITE PEACH YOGURT AND DON'T EVER TAKE IT AWAY AGAIN! Or else you will lose one of your faithful customers to a much cheaper FroYo spot! This is not a threat, it is a fact! :) As usual thank you for reading.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Cube Decorating
So my office is having a cubical decorating "contest" bragging rights are our only prize. But you should see.... I mean I will post pictures of the things that my team mates have come up with. I am surrounded by some pretty creative folks. One person has transformed their space into a Cantina. I cant wait to show you pictures.
My immediate neighbor has put a almost 3D Lorax experience outside of her cubical. It is a AMAZING! My neighbor across from me has a Art Gallery showcasing some of her artwork. My neighbor on the other side of me has a Nebraska theme to her decoration she even has a Barbie in a University of Nebraska cheerleader outfit. Can you guess, what my theme is????? One guess. Let's see if you know me at all. (BIG SMILE!) Yep its gonna look like the Niners threw-up in and all over my cube. The context ends next week on Monday. So I guess I'll post pictures some time next week.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Happy Bloggerversary!!!!
So I was looking at the calendar and today is my Bloggerversary! I thought I've been at this a lot longer, but apparently its only been three years. Three years of my whining and randomness! (BIG SMILES!) One day I may figure out a speciffic direction for this blog. Meanwhile thank you for tuning in and checking me out.
![]() |
Yay Me! |
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Guess what! I feel close to you, so I'll share...... :) I have a twitter account. Maybe if I had followers I'd actually tweet more often. I will admit that I've been using it to stalk my writer friend mostly. :)
But I guess I could stand to be more interactive especially if she gets her new idea off the ground. More details on that later.... if it actually happens. But come follow me on Twitter, I promise to be as dramatic and ridiculous as I always am. Just within the limited space for my foolishness.
Follow me:
Psst btw I'm RR LB ;) of course I am!
But I guess I could stand to be more interactive especially if she gets her new idea off the ground. More details on that later.... if it actually happens. But come follow me on Twitter, I promise to be as dramatic and ridiculous as I always am. Just within the limited space for my foolishness.
Follow me:
Psst btw I'm RR LB ;) of course I am!
Havanna Twist Take Down
So, after a month I took down my twist. FIRST! Let me say that I loved my twist, lets relive some of those moments shall we:
I had a ton of fun with my twist. I got so many compliments on them, and I hated to take them down when I did, but I knew it was time. A word to the wise, when you install these braids make sure you don't make them too heavy, mine were and I knew this love affair wasn't going to end nicely. Let me just say my hair is very sensitive and it doesn't respond nicely to too much tension. And these heavy braids weren't ideal for my temperamental strands. In the end I lost a lot of hair. Some of it I'm sure was normal shedding, but there was more. I cant even think about it right now. So as you see from my first picture, I'm rocking my hair pieces for a few months while I deep condition and Henna my hair to get some strength and nourishment back up there. I want Naptural's hair today.... oh well! Back to the drawing board. But it was fun while it lasted.
And now just because she's so doggone cute, here she is one more time for your viewing pleasure. I give you The Lady Bug Ladies and Gentlemen:
Two of my three sisters and my niece
My lovie and I feeling good off Wine!
My sisters
Ladybug and Me
I was playing around and thought this could be cute with the right outfit and accessories.
On my way to the Niner Fan Fest
At the Niner pre-season game.
And now just because she's so doggone cute, here she is one more time for your viewing pleasure. I give you The Lady Bug Ladies and Gentlemen:
yep she's a cutie! Enjoy your day!
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