My curly Muse! I want that right there!
Question is.... will my hair curl like that? And then How do I do it. For the past um, I'd say three weeks I've been using Kinky Curly products. First let me say they're not cheap, and as I sit here morning almost gone, my hair is still damp. My head being wet all day is not the business. This past weekend as I mixed my "Concoction" (Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Argan oil, Peppermint oil, Emu oil, and Tea Tree oil) I put a lot in my hair before I washed it for styling. My hair said THANK YOU!!! I hadn't realized how dry my hair had gotten until I saw the difference afterwards. So needless to say I will not marry the KK products. I would like to find a process that incorporates oils which is what I know builds strength in hair by means of moisture, and curl definition. I would LOVE to have her hair, but knowing that we may not have the same type of hair, I will be fine with something close.
Friday as I briefly visited a cousin, she mentioned the Curly Girl Method, which I hadn't heard of. But I liked everything I heard. Reading some other's post about products I guess its time for me to look into a different hair gel. GASP! I have been in love with Fantasia IC's BROWN (yes I said it brown) gel. I have used this gel for years, and have sworn by it always. Who knows I may end up sticking to it. But after over ten years it may be time to try another product. So stay tuned, I'm gonna embrace this method and figure out how it works for my hair.
- Curly Girl Method (as it was explained to me):
- Co-wash ONLY no shampoo EVER!
- Finger comb hair while wet or large tooth comb (preferably during co-wash process)
- If you need to dry your hair use a old t-shirt do not towel dry (its important to let your hair air dry)
- Your desired product (which means I will use my oils and gel)
But I want curls like Mahogany Curl's above so I may have to try her products to see if it works for me. Stay tuned for updates. As usual thank you for reading.